5S in the workplace
Cleanliness, order, safety, productivity
These are the basic attributes for an efficient and innovative production workplace.
5S +S Implemementation program contains:
1S: Sort (Organization)
- remove all items from workplace that are not needed for current production
- most common criterion: usefulness, frequency, quantity of needed items
2S: Set in Order (Orderliness)
- arrange needed items – easy to use – easy to take – easy to put back
3S: Shine (Cleanliness)
- make sure that everything in the factory stays clean
4S: Standardize (Standardized Clean-up)
- maintain the first 3 pillars
- create standards for how work should be done
- make it a HABIT
5S: Sustain (Discipline)
- make a habit of maintaining established rules
- dark, dirty, disorganized workplaces lower worker´s moral and positive attitude
+ 6S: Secure the willingness for innovations
- create place where the people are encouraged and highly motivated for innovations
With 5S+1S you create foundation for:
- achieving zero defects
- cost reductions, lowering costs
- safety improvements
- zero acidents
- building customer confidence
- defect-free production
- inovative environment for your staff
- clear rules for shopfloor management