Quality Function Deployment


Quality Function Deployment

The QFD method was developed in 1966 by the Japanese Joji Akaom. The first practical application took place in 1972 at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Kobe. After a successful introduction in the automotive industry, through the ASI (American Supplier Institute – which developed a uniform methodology for the use of the method), it gradually gained a foothold in the USA and Europe.

The goal of QFD is the design and construction of such a product, which will fully meet the customer’s requirements.

The graphic layout of the individual matrices resembles a house, so the term “House of Quality” (HoQ) is often used for QFD.

QFD can serve us perfectly to transform Customer Specific Requirements (CSR) into production processes (e.g. Formel Q, D / TLD, YC, YS, SC parameters).

It helps to design production parameters & properly manage critical features.